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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Diet - proven tips

Forget what you think you know or what you read about losing the fat.

You're about to discover tips and direct advices which are proven and most importantly they works.
There is so much junk out there about diets - most of the publishers want nothing just make you pay - for pills, books, Dvd,etc.
I figured out simple tips which are really simple ,but most importantly they work- as they say simple way is the best way!
You're about to discover how eating plenty of the right foods and doing the right exercises a few days each week can deliver those great results.
That's right - you can still eat a lot - but you're going to eat right foods.
You'll exercise - and you'll love it- you'll see results quickly - and you won't be tired from exercise !

The 3 components of your weekly program should include:
1., Strenght - training
three times a week. Find a total -body workout that puts extra emphasis on your legs.
2., Cardiovascular exercise
On non-strength - training days. Examples are cycling, running, swimming, walking and using cardio machines.
3., Abs exercises
Twice a week. Do them before strenght-training.

Allways make sure: leave at least 48 hours between weight workouts of the same body parts. Muscles need time to recover, repair themselves after workout.
Take 1 day each week to rest without exercise.
Warm up for 5 minutes before exercise.

simple advice, thanks. I'm on the right track then. I'm in my 50's and it takes so long to lose the fat on my hips. It also seems as thought all my life whenever i get on a fitness program i put on at least 5 to 7 lbs before i start to drop weight. I don't weight myself until im about a month into my program. Hey Thanks
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